| 1. | Surely, you won't desert me in my hour of trouble . 在我困难的时候,你当然不会扔掉我不管。 |
| 2. | Do not desert me ! 不要不管我呀! |
| 3. | All my friends have deserted me 我所有朋友都遗弃了我。 |
| 4. | Why did dad and mom desert me 为什么爸爸妈妈抛弃我? |
| 5. | Deceive me , desert me 骗我、抛弃我 |
| 6. | You know that everyone in the province of asia has deserted me , including phygelus and hermogenes 15凡在亚西亚的人都离弃我,这是你知道的。其中有腓吉路和黑摩其尼。 |
| 7. | At my first defense no one supported me , but all deserted me ; may it not be counted against them 提后4 : 16我初次申诉、没有人前来帮助、竟都离弃我但愿这罪不归与他们。 |
| 8. | Of his own accord , for his own whim , for no reason whatever , he is deserting me , shutting me up alone in the country 他自己因为要求苛刻,过分挑剔,天晓得为什么,把我抛弃了,把我一个人关在乡下。 ” |
| 9. | But more important than what they all are is , that he sustained me through these horrific times when everyone else seemed to desert me 比这些事情都重要的是,在那些悲伤的时刻,好象所有人都离弃我的时刻,他确保守了我。 |
| 10. | Impossible ! - when i told you how she , on the contrary , deserted me : the idea of my insolvency cooled , or rather extinguished , her flame in a moment 我曾同你说过,相反是她抛弃了我,一想到我无力还债,她的热情顿时一落千丈,化为乌有。 ” |